During Status Quo's live session on The Ken Bruce Show of 9th September 2005, Sold On Song caught up with Francis Rossi to chat with him about songwriting ...
Question: What instruments do you use to write your songs? You're famous for playing a Fender Telecaster - do you use this for songwriting as well?
Answer: I sometimes use an acoustic - it depends. If I diddly on Fender it's during practice. I practice about two hours a day, in the evening. If I find any riffs I put them down on cassette. When I get into writing mode I'll use the piano or try an acoustic . The songs come out differently when sitting down and strumming on the acoustic then you would if you use a piano. Most of the time I'll stick to electric though.
Question: Do you still get your songwriting inspirations in the strangest of places, or is it more 9 to 5 now?
Answer: it very rarely happens to me when I'm on the road. It usually happens when i'm diddling or practicing. For some reason the pieces I write on the piano stay in my head. I don't have to record it. If I write on an acoustic or electric guitar, I have to put them down on tape. Quite often it's the mood that you capture, so I have to put it down. Even the following morning, that "little something" might have been lost www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/soldonsong/songlibrary/paperplane.sh tml
My dream for the end of Quo - to see every member of the band past and present on the same stage at the last ever gig. As the encore ends, they all stand on the stage in the "Tank" formation with teles playing Rick's intro to Caroline as the stage sinks from view in dry ice .